Meet the Team
Rose Davis
This film follows the remarkable true story of how two Tasmania beekeepers gathered thousands of women+ beekeepers to set two world firsts records in a single day, and impacted more than 7 million people globally.
From actively-bombed Kyiv to Pakistan and Mongolia, this film follows the actions of brave women who continue to face innumerable challenges in beekeeping to keep food on our tables -
and avoid the imminent apocalyptic future we are facing without our best loved pollinators: bees.
These amazing world records were led by Tasmanian beekeepers Anita Long and Jenni McLeod, former co-founders of a project called Sister Hives, which has now evolved into many fields, countries and leadership opportunities.
Their vision for this project was to unite women+ beekeepers, balance visual representation in the industry and impact future generations.
Both Jenni and Anita provide programs and leadership around the globe that invite more women+ into the global beekeeping industry.
director bio
Rose Davis is a visionary filmmaker whose journey began 25 years ago in the dark room. She has a deep interest in humanity and compassion driven storytelling.
Rose is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, neurodivergent and a person living with multiple disabilities.
Tasmanian Mum of 3, she strives to show her children how to lean on your superpowers & produce world class work.
director statement
I chose a mixed cinematic and raw documentary style to reflect the juxtaposition and complication inherent within the story itself - that our very existence as humans depends on the everyday actions of real life people, especially women, who have been serving the beekeeping community for thousands of years.
Weaving the devastating truth of commercialised food production in with the touching and raw individual stories of the women in these world records makes for a story that leaves us with a powerful truth -
If women+ in beekeeping are not supported then we ourselves will cease to exist.